It's been a while. Life has been busy and the blog got pushed down the list. I have been working on some projects for classes and myself but haven't had the time or energy to share here.
Lots of things going on in my life. My general rule is that this blog is about creating and sharing my projects. I tend to stay away from anything too personal. Not because I want to keep it private but because I want this to be my happy place. I debated whether to share the events of late with you. Last year was a tough one for my family and we are still finding our way. It has affected my energy and outlook and decided it was worth a share so that you can get to know me better.
My Father In Law passed away last Easter after suffering a massive stroke. I focused more time and energy to my husband plus we had to make several trips to Santa Barbara to take care of family business. No matter how much you think you are prepared it's tough to lose a parent. We miss Alby everyday.
Last October my big sis Denise passed away after a short but difficult battle with cancer. She was brave and fought til the end. I still can't believe she is gone. We had a belated memorial for her last Saturday in Santa Cruz. It was good to gather with those who loved her. We were blessed with beautiful weather on the coast.
Here is a photo, the mid 1960's I think, of my family. I'm the youngest so I'm sure you can guess who I am. My sister Denise, my brother Glen, and my Mom and Dad have all passed. My brother Scott, my sister Lisa (not in this picture) and I are the remaining members of our immediate family.
These events have left me a bit unsteady and unsure. I feel that I am questioning all aspects of my life including my art. Big things like when do we want to retire and do we really want this big house? To other small things like do I really need all these craft supplies and tools and what kind of art makes me happy? I know it is all part of the process and it's a good thing but at times it is just painful, leaving me feeling raw and on edge.
I do know that my creative process is important to me and all of my friends in the art community are too. Thanks and big hugs to all of you! Your support and comments along the way mean so much to me. I appreciate each and every one of you.
Please be patient, kind and gentle with me as I make my way back to blogging.
Life is short people. Make the most of every moment. Remember the now.
Happy Creating.
Hugs, Sharon